
更新时间:2024-01-22 20:33:40作者:佚名


1、The Scarlet Letter story is not complicated. The story takes place in the middle of the 17th century North American colonies of New England. Hester beautiful kind-hearted husband Wo Qi-Lin Adams, after missing the case of those living alone, fell in love with the youth pastor Dimmesdale, and he gave birth to a girl. After the incident, she was sentenced to chest Puritan A word to wear red (which means adultery) be publicly humiliated.Dimmesdale was not exposed, but by very ache heart of self-blame, fear all day long. Qi-Lin Adams back into the United States after Waterloo, in order to revenge, hidden buried in Dimmesdale side, with the spirit of cruel torture hound him day and night, with the result that Dimmesdale in the open their crimes after the death of another case.


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1、The Scarlet Letter story is not complicated. The story takes place in the middle of the 17th century North A

2024-01-22 20:33

钅这个偏旁怎么读 钅这个偏旁有哪些字

1、偏旁钅读音:jīn。2、部首:钅。3、拼音:jīn。4、笔顺:撇、横、横、横、竖提。5、同“金”。用作偏旁。6、“釒”偏旁的字:鈒 钓 钐 釥 扣 钏 釨 钒 釪 釫 钎 釭 釮 釯 釰 釱 釲 釳 釴 钗 釶 钍

2024-01-22 20:32

春种一粒粟秋收万颗子意思 春种一粒粟秋收万颗子意思最接近的词语是

1、这句话的意思是:春天播种下一粒种子,到了秋天就可以收获很多的粮食。 2、出处:唐·李绅《悯农二首·其一》原文:春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。四海无闲田,农夫犹饿死。 3、译文:春天播种下一粒种子,到了秋天就可以收获很多

2024-01-22 18:03


1、嗜痂之癖,汉语成语,拼音是shì jiā zhī pǐ,意思是原指爱吃疮痂的癖性。后形容怪癖的嗜好。2、出处:《南史·刘穆之传》:“邕性嗜食疮痂,以为味似鳆鱼。”3、成语用法:作宾语;形容怪癖的嗜好。

2024-01-22 18:03


1、老蚌生珠,汉语成语,拼音是lǎo bàng shēng zhū,意思是原比喻年老有贤子,后指老年得子。2、出处:(1)汉·孔融《与韦端书》:“不意双珠近出老蚌,甚珍贵之。”(2)《北齐书·陆卬传》:“吾以卿老蚌遂出明

2024-01-22 18:02


1、《夜书所见》这首诗意思是瑟瑟的秋风吹动梧桐树叶,送来阵阵寒意,江上吹来秋风,使出门在外的我不禁思念起自己的家乡。家中几个小孩还在兴致勃勃地斗蟋蟀呢!夜深人静了还亮着灯不肯睡眠。 2、原文:《夜书所见》宋代:叶绍翁

2024-01-22 18:02