关于国庆的英语手抄报 关于国庆的英语手抄报内容

更新时间:2024-05-19 03:57:55作者:佚名

关于国庆的英语手抄报 关于国庆的英语手抄报内容


(1)迎国庆,我热血沸腾,心潮澎湃。我国一天天强大,我们这一代要树立远大理想,为振兴中华当好接班人,做有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的一代新人,让五星红旗一代又一代传承下去,为建设有中国特色社会主义而努力。 Greet National Day, my blood, full of excitement. Our day is strong, our generation should have lofty ideals for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as a successor, do have ideals, morality, culture and discipline of the new generation, let the flag generations inherit, and strive for the construction of socialism with China characteristics.

(2)黄河长江奔腾万里,那是中国!古老文字源远流长,唐诗宋词代代相传,那是中国!青藏美丽的高原,新疆辽阔的盆地,那是中国! The Yellow River Yangtze River Pentium, that is china! Ancient writing poetry has a long history, it is China be handed down from age to age! Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the vast basin of Xinjiang, it is china!

(3)无意间又看到了操场上迎风飘扬的五星红旗,在树叶的衬托下显得格外鲜艳。每当看到国旗,我的心都为之一颤,亲切尊敬,自豪与责任让我久久不能平静。 Inadvertently saw the playground on the flag waving in the wind, the five-star red flag, in the leaves of the background is particularly bright. When I see the flag down, my heart was kind of respect, pride and responsibility to let me be calm.


Zheng Chenggong regained Taiwan: As early as 1624, Dutch colonialism invaded and occupied Taiwan, our territory, and implemented an extremely brutal and cruel rule. The people of Taiwan bravely fought the invaders. In 1661, Zheng Chenggong, who led the struggle against the Qing on the southeast coast, led more than 350 warships and more than 25,000 soldiers, and surrounded Taiwan. After nine months of fierce fighting, the Dutch governor was forced to sign a letter of surrender, leading the disabled and defeated generals. Get out of Taiwan. Taiwan has returned to the embrace of the motherland.


本文标签: 关于国庆的英语手抄报  


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