优美句子一篇曰记50个字 优美的日记50个字
更新时间:2024-04-13 13:56:04作者:佚名
1 Great minds think alike. (英雄所见略同,这句做第一句最合适不过了, 不过最好翻译成英雄和美女所见略同,嘿嘿) 2 Get going!(赶快动身吧,用在开始行动时) 3 We've got to hit the road.(我们要赶快了,和上一句用法相同,hit the road表现出紧急,很形象) 4 I can't place his face。
(碰见帅哥或者美眉给你打招呼而你不记得他她是谁,这时可以用这个句子) 5 Once bitten , twice shy(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳) 6 look at the big picture(一大局为重,在发生分歧之时可以用这句话来让每个人都三思) 7 I'm exhausted.(筋疲力尽,对新驴懒惰如偶很少锻炼的人来说这句肯定有用) 8 I've got my second wind.(短暂休息后精力得以恢复,此时可用这个句子,意思是我的体力恢复了) 9 My stomach is growling.(对于偶这样可以把任何一次活动都变成野炊郊游的人来说,此行最重要的一部分当然是吃了,这句意思是我的肚子呱呱叫了,很饿) 10 Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.(既然很饿,那就饥不择食了) 11 ~~~~is now in season.(正是吃````的好季节,比如西瓜,草莓,苹果桃子什么的) 12 Let's grab a bite to eat(让我们赶紧吃点东西吧,一般指时间很紧) 13 This food is out of the world(此食只应天上有,人间哪得几回吃) 14 What a bummer!(太扫兴了,原以为会来很多帅哥,结果却坐了一车美女,这时可以偷偷用一下这句话) 15 First things first (要紧的事情先做,很多场合可以用到) 16 it's just my cup of tea(正合偶的口味,指人,事等等) 16 Does ~~~~~~~suit your taste(```合你的口味吗) 17 Take it easy. easy dose it.(老驴对新驴这样说,慢慢来,别着急) 18 Do as i said(老驴对新驴说:照我说的做,有的时候抢匪也爱用这句,嘿嘿) 19 Let's roll up our sleeves.(大家一起干吧,卷起袖子不就是要大干一场吗) 20 Put it in my hands.(对于一个懒惰的,笨笨的,象偶一样的新驴有的时候也可以帮帮忙嘛,比如盛饭这样的小事偶就可以说:交给偶好了) 21 It's a short-cut.(这是条近路) 22 I'll keep my fingers crossed for you(偶将为你祈祷,比如爬山过河的时候) 23 One boy is a boy; two boys half boy;three boys no boy. (一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃,领队GG可以用这样的话教育偶们要团结,要互相帮助,嘿嘿) 24 Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.(不要杞人忧天,嘿嘿,偶最喜欢的一句话) 25 Did you get the picture(你明白了没有?老驴给新驴讲解完毕后可以用这句话) 26 Be back in 30 minutes!(还是为领队GG准备的,一定要在三十分钟内回来) 27 One more hour to go.(新驴走啊走,看不到头,问老驴还要走多远,老驴可以用此句) 28 Time is running out.(没时间了。) 29 To the best of my knowlege~~~~~~(就偶所知,老驴传授经验的开场白) 30 As far as i know, ~~~~~~~~~~~~(同上) 31 Don't let me down.(别让偶失望,新驴问老驴问题是可以用,老驴让新驴实践时可以用,你饿了半天问别人要吃的时候也可以用) 32 You'll get it soon.(老驴说:你也很快会的) 33 Pick up the pace.(快点) 34 You are really something.)(新驴对老驴的赞美:你真了不起) 35 You are something else.(同上) 36 How did you manage to do that(你是怎样做到的?新驴对老驴的景仰) 37 I can't believe my eyes.(简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,还有这样美丽的地方,或者还有这样美丽的新驴MM,嘿嘿) 38 It was really neat!(太棒了) 39 I'm dying for a coke.(我真想喝杯可乐,想死了。
当然你也可以把coke换成wife,bf,cigarette什么的) 40 wine in, truth out.(尤其是在可以喝酒的时候,可以用到,酒后吐真言) 41 I can't carry a tune.(偶五音不全,不过此次活动请大家慎用,因为你五音不全就意味着也许你要跳舞给大家看) 42 If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.(你在这里做到了在一切地方就都能做到) 43 My hands are sweaty.(我很紧张,手心都出汗了,比如让你第一次攀岩,或者是当众表演节目) 44 I've got a butterfly in my stomach.(同上,与汉语心头小鹿撞异曲同工) 45 No way (没门) 46 it's a piece of cakeit's a snap.(小菜一碟) 47 Go for it.(试一试) 48 ~~~~is driving me up a wall.(偶快被逼疯了,比如蚊子和野外的骄阳,寒风等等) 49 Anything you say.(偶听你的。很乖巧的一句话,新驴必背) 50 I'm already locked into something else.(说了这么多结果你有别的事没法去了?没关系,着句就给你的,我已经有别的是要做了)。
2. 你和你朋友心情之间的英语作文Do you have a good friend?if you ask me this question i'll say of course! Her name is LiLi,she is a League member and one of the best students in our class.when i have something that i dont't know,i always ask her,she is like my little teacher!But she is not a bookworm,we play together when we are free,time goes by,we become good friends just because we enjoy each other!i hope we can get into the same high school,so now i make up my mind to catch up with her! we like each other!!。
3. 关于感悟旅行的英语句子旅行的意义不在于战利品有多少, 照片拍了几张,景点占据了几个, 而是,你做了多疯狂的事,经历了哪个心跳的时刻, 和有否看到更不一样的自己。
The meaning of travel is not the trophy how many photos are a few attractions to occupy a few, but, you do more crazy things, and experience which the heartbeat of the moment, and whether to see more.
4. 写一篇与朋友郊游的英语短文It is a sunny Sunday in spring,I went to the park with my classmates.We talked and laughed all the way to the park.When we reached the park,we went rowing on the beautiful lake as we planed.After that,we had our lunch on the grassland beside the lake.After we finished our picnic,we went for a walk along the bank and went home together after that。
5. 和朋友郊游的英语作文你好,希望能帮助到你!!下面是一篇和朋友郊游的作文,有中英翻译哦!! A good Trip
I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer.
I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer. It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn't move any further. Nobody knew what to do. One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water, and ate some food. After a while, he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain翻译一个愉快的旅行
6. 求关于你和你好朋友心情的作文(英文)My friend
I have a lot of friends, but I have only a few good friends. One of them is my best friend. We are both twelve years old. He is fat and tall. He likes to eat oranges and meat. He is very straight and generous. We always help each other. He is a nice boy and his math is very good. He likes to play football and basketball. I enjoy playing with him because I can learn a lot from him. He can always come up with smart answers to those difficult questions. We usually play together after school in the afternoon. He is very funny and sometimes he tells me some interesting stories but sometimes he sets me up. After all we get a long well. But sometimes we fight each other. His goal is to be a math teacher. He lives in LinShan and I live in Xiangshan. But we are good friends.
7. 关于一些朋友友情的英语句子举例如下:
1、The best mirror is an old friend.
2、Between friends all is common.
3、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.
4、The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water.
5、Set great store by friendship.
6、Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.
7、Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,the sad times,and the confused times.
8、A friend in need is a friend indeed.
9、Old friends and old wine are best.
10、Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship.
8. 形容“和朋友一起快要旅游时心情”的词语和句子有哪些1、岁月带不走记忆,只会让我更加想念。时间并不可以冲淡一切,只会在我心里生根发芽,开出思念的花。
9. 有关于朋友的优美句子(英语加汉语)朋友需要你今天帮助,千万不要等到明天.____佚名 朋友间保持一定的距离,而使友谊永存.——查理士 友情的纽带,或会因情绪激动而绷紧,但决不可折断.———林肯 周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少.__卡内基夫人 近朱者赤,近墨者黑.——傅玄 情深恭维少,知己笑谈多.——谚语 独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻.——孔子 树直用处多,人直朋友多.——谚语 怯懦的人,会把朋友送给刽子手.——罗曼·罗兰 朋友看朋友是透明的,他们彼此交换着生?——罗曼·罗兰 良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒.——谚语 真正的朋友应该说真话,不管那话多么尖锐…… ——奥斯特洛夫斯基 朋友间必须是患难相济,那才能说得上是真正的友谊.——莎士比亚 世界上没有比友谊更美好,更令人愉快的东西了;没有友谊,世界仿佛失去了太阳. ——西塞图 与朋友交而不信。
——《论语》信任一位虚伪的朋友,增加一个敌对的证人.——西班牙谚语 什么是朋友?朋友就是你可以精诚相待的人——西塞图 在这个世上,诚实的人最尊重,最珍视的莫过于真正的朋友,这种朋友可以说是另一个自我.我们的朋友比想象的少,却比我们认识的多。——霍夫曼斯塔尔 友谊是个无限的天地,它多么宽广啊。
——罗·布朗宁 桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情._____李白 和你一同笑过的人,你可能把他忘掉,但是和你一同哭过的人,你却永远不忘.____纪伯伦 谁要求没有缺点的朋友,谁就没有朋友!______谚语 Today, you need friends to help, do not wait until tomorrow .____ Anonymous Friends to maintain a certain distance, the friendship last forever by Charles .-- Bonds of friendship, or will be very emotional and tense, but could not break Lincoln .--- Have good friends around, besieged on all sides than those who do not know how many of th e well-being. __ Mrs. Carnegie Jinzhuzhechi, Fu Xuan .-- Jinmozhehei Love small compliment, many friends joke .-- proverb Friends of the study and no single, widowed and Gu Lou Wen .-- Confucius Trees use more direct, straight friends and more people saying .-- Cowardice, will be a friend to the executioner .-- Romain Rolland Friends to see a friend is transparent, they exchange a Health? - Romain Rolland Winter made a good three, wounding remarks June .-- cold Proverb A true friend should tell the truth, no matter how sharp words 。 。
- Ostrovsky Must be friends with economic adversity, and that can say that this is a genuine friendship .-- Shakespeare There is no better than friendship, more pleasant things; not friendship, the world seems to have lost the sun . - Cisse map With his friends instead of the letter. - "The Analects of Confucius" A friend of the hypocrisy of confidence, an increase of a hostile witness .-- Spanish proverb What is a friend? Friends that you can treat each other sincerely - Fig.1 Cisse In this world, the most honest people respect and cherish the most is the true friend of a friend that could be regarded as another self. Our friends less than imagined, more than we know. - Hofmannsthal Friendship is an infinite world, how broad it ah. - Luobulangning Qian Chi Tao Huatan water depth, not as I would love to send Wang Lun Li ._____ And you laugh together before, you may forget him, and cried with you, but you never forget .____ Gibran Who has not asked the shortcomings of friends, friends will not !______ proverb。