doremi音乐之声歌词 doremi歌曲简介

更新时间:2024-05-19 03:27:57作者:佚名

doremi音乐之声歌词 doremi歌曲简介

1、《Do Re Mi》《The Sound of Music》(音乐之声)歌词:

Lets start at the very beginning


A very good place to start


When you read you begin with “A-B-C”


When you sing you begin with “Do-Re-Mi”


Do-re-mi Do-re-mi

The first three notes just happen to be


Do-re-mi Do-re-mi


Lets see if I can make it easier



Doe, a deer, a female deer 1(do),是鹿,一只母鹿

Ray, a drop of golden sun 2(re),是金色的夕阳

Me, a name I call myself 3(mi),那是我的名字

Far, a long, long way to run 4(fa),长长的路要跑

Sew, a needle pulling thread 5(sol),是针儿穿着线

La, a note to follow Sew 6(la),就跟在so之后

Tea,a drink with jam and bread 7(ti),是饮料配面包

That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh) 那就让我们再次回到do


Doe!a deer, a female deer 1(do),是鹿,一只母鹿

Ray!a drop of golden sun 2(re),是金色的夕阳

Me!a name I call myself 3(mi),那是我的名字

Far!a long, long way to run 4(fa),长长的路要跑

Sew!a needle pulling thread 5(sol),是针儿穿着线

La!a note to follow Sew 6(la),就跟在so之后

Tea,a drink with jam and bread 7(ti),是饮料配面包

That will bring us back to Do 让我们再回到do


Doe, a deer, a female deer 鹿,是鹿,一只母鹿

Ray, a drop of golden sun 光,是金色的夕阳

Me, a name I call myself 我,那是我的名字

Far, a long, long way to run 远,长长的路要跑

Sew, a needle pulling thread 绣,是针儿穿着线

La, a note to follow Sew 啦,就跟在so之后

Tea,a drink with jam and bread 茶,是饮料配面包

That will bring us back to Do--- 让我们再回到do

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do So Do


Now children, do-re-mi-fa-so and so on 孩子们,

are only the tools we use to build a song. 仅仅是我们建立歌曲的工具

Once you have these notes in your heads, 当你把音符记在脑中后

you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up


like this 像这样


Can you do that? 你们可以吗?




Now put it all together!好,把它们合在一起






But it doesnt mean anything. 但它们有什么意思呢?

So we put in word, one word for every note, like this:


When you know the notes to sing 当你懂得这曲调

You can sing most anything 你就可以尽情唱

Together! 一起来!


When you know the notes to sing 当你懂得这曲调

You can sing most anything 你就可以尽情唱

Doe, a deer, a female deer 鹿,是鹿,一只母鹿

Ray, a drop of golden sun 光,是金色的夕阳

Me, a name I call myself 我,那是我的名字

Far, a long, long way to run 远,长长的路要跑

Sew, a needle pulling thread 绣,是针儿穿着线

La, a note to follow Sew 啦,就跟在so之后

Tea,a drink with jam and bread 茶,是饮料配面包

That will bring us back to Do- 让我们再回到do

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti

Do Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re

Do Mi Mi, Mi So So

Re Fa Fa, La Ti Ti

Do-mi-mi, Mi-so-so

Re-fa-fa, La-ti-ti

When you know the notes to sing 当你懂得这曲调

(Do-mi-mi Mi-so-so Re-fa-fa La-ti-ti) (童声伴唱两次)

You can sing most anything 你就可以尽情唱

(Do-mi-mi Mi-so-so Re-fa-fa La-ti-ti)(童声伴唱一次)

Doe, a deer, a female deer 鹿,是鹿,一只母鹿

Ray, a drop of golden sun 光,是金色的夕阳

Me, a name I call myself 我,那是我的名字

Far, a long, long way to run 远,长长的路要跑

Sew, a needle pulling thread 绣,是针儿穿着线

La, a note to follow Sew 啦,就跟在so之后

Tea,a drink with jam and bread 茶,是饮料配面包

That will bring us back to - 让我们再回到

Do Re Mi Fa (教师)

(So Do La Fa Mi Do Re)(童声伴唱)

So La (教师)

(So Do La Fa)(童声伴唱)

Ti (教师)

(La So Fa Me Re)(童声伴唱)

Ti Do (合唱)


2、《Do Re Mi》是奥斯卡经典电影《The Sound of Music》(音乐之声)的主题曲之一,也是著名的音乐启蒙歌,被收入小学六年级音乐课本。是主人公Maria(玛利亚)教授给七个孩子们的第一首歌,同时也打开了孩子们在军事家庭禁锢多年的浪漫和想象。

本文标签: doremi音乐之声歌词  


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