
更新时间:2024-04-23 02:02:24作者:未知


1. 玩具总动员3的经典中英文句子

Woody: [in Bonnie's room] Look, I just need to get out of here。

Buttercup: [dramatically] There is no way out! [Woody stares at him in horror] Buttercup: Just kidding. Door's right over there. [he points] 胡迪:[在邦妮房间里] 我只是想离开这里… 独角马:[有"感情"地] 那是不可能的! [胡迪惊恐地盯着他] 独角马:开个玩笑,门就在那里。[点了点头] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spanish Buzz:[immediately after being reset into Spanish mode, he speaks into his wrist communicator] Estrella de registro: He despertado de hiper-sueno en un planeta extrano. Hamm: [to Rex] Now what did you do? Rex: I just did what you told me! Spanish Buzz:Estoy rodeado de criaturas alienígenas de intenciones desconocidas. Quién va ahí? Amigo o enemigo? [aims his laser at Woody] Woody: Uh。

amigos! We're all amigos! Spanish Buzz:[turns off laser and is suddenly friendly]Debo tener un aterrizaje forzoso y tuve mi memoria borrada. [helmet still up, he kisses Woody quickly on each cheek] Spanish Buzz: Alguien ha visto a mi nave espacial? Woody: [dumbstruck] We gotta switch him back. 巴斯:[突然重置成西班牙语模式,打开通讯器] 星际总部:我在一个陌生的星球上从睡眠状态中被唤醒。 火腿:[对抱抱龙] 看看你都做了什么? 抱抱龙:你怎么说的我就怎么做了! 巴斯:我被不明意图的外星生物包围着。

——你们是什么人?朋友还是敌人?[把镭射瞄准胡迪] 胡迪:额……amigo,我们都是amigo(朋友)。 巴斯:[关上镭射 突然变得友好] 看来飞船的坠落使我失去记忆了。

[戴着头盔 迅速亲了亲胡迪的脸] 巴斯:你们看见我的飞船了吗? 胡迪:[目瞪口呆] 我们得把他调回来。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andy: Now Woody, he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's brave, like a cowboy should be。

And kind, and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special, is he'll never give up on you。. ever. He'll be there for you, no matter what. 安迪:从我记事时起,胡迪就是我的朋友了。


无论如何,他都会在你身边。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andy: [taking a last look at his toys before he heads off to college] Thanks, guys. 安迪:[去大学前看了玩具们最后一眼] 谢谢,朋友们。

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [last lines] Woody: So long。 partner. [最后台词] 胡迪:再见……伙伴。

2. 玩具总动员3的经典英文句子






安迪:(指着茉莉)她是来自外太空的巨人宝贝,她要毁灭地球了,快逃命,快救命 (Mom and jasmine come together)

Mom: No, no, you play your on when I was not in this

(The other side of jasmine in the destruction of toys)

Andy: No, Jasmine

Andy: It does not matter, Mom

Andy: (pointing to Jasmine) She is a giant baby from outer space, she wanted to destroy the earth, and quickly escape, quick help (玩具们在开会)


3. 玩具总动员3的经典英文句子

(妈妈和茉莉一起进来)妈妈:不不不,你玩你的,就当我没在这(另一边,茉莉在捣毁玩具)安迪:不,茉莉安迪:没关系,妈妈安迪:(指着茉莉)她是来自外太空的巨人宝贝,她要毁灭地球了,快逃命,快救命 (Mom and jasmine come together)Mom: No, no, you play your on when I was not in this(The other side of jasmine in the destruction of toys)Andy: No, JasmineAndy: It does not matter, MomAndy: (pointing to Jasmine) She is a giant baby from outer space, she wanted to destroy the earth, and quickly escape, quick help (玩具们在开会)胡迪:安迪肯定会把我们放在阁楼上,那里既安全又温馨。

4. 玩具总动员3的经典台词英文











5. toy story 3中的经典对白

Woody: [in Bonnie's room] Look, I just need to get out of here。

Buttercup: [dramatically] There is no way out! [Woody stares at him in horror] Buttercup: Just kidding. Door's right over there. [he points] 胡迪:[在邦妮房间里] 我只是想离开这里… 小奶油:[有"感情"地] 那是不可能的! [胡迪惊恐地盯着他] 小奶油:开个玩笑,门就在那里。[点了点头] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spanish Buzz:[immediately after being reset into Spanish mode, he speaks into his wrist communicator] Estrella de registro: He despertado de hiper-sueno en un planeta extrano. Hamm: [to Rex] Now what did you do? Rex: I just did what you told me! Spanish Buzz:Estoy rodeado de criaturas alienígenas de intenciones desconocidas. Quién va ahí? Amigo o enemigo? [aims his laser at Woody] Woody: Uh。

amigos! We're all amigos! Spanish Buzz:[turns off laser and suddenly becomes friendly] Debo tener un aterrizaje forzoso y tuve mi memoria borrada. [helmet still up, he kisses Woody quickly on each cheek] Spanish Buzz: Alguien ha visto a mi nave espacial? Woody: [dumbstruck] We gotta switch him back. 巴斯:[突然重置成西班牙语模式,打开通讯器] 星际总部:我在一个陌生的星球上从睡眠状态中被唤醒。 火腿:[对抱抱龙] 看看你都做了什么? 抱抱龙:你怎么说的我就怎么做了! 巴斯:我被不明意图的外星生物包围着。

——你们是什么人?朋友还是敌人?[把镭射瞄准胡迪] 胡迪:额……amigo,我们都是amigo(朋友)。 巴斯:[关上镭射 突然变得友好] 看来飞船的坠落使我失去记忆了。

[戴着头盔 迅速亲了亲胡迪的脸] 巴斯:你们看见我的飞船了吗? 胡迪:[目瞪口呆] 我们得把他调回来。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andy: Now Woody, he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's brave, like a cowboy should be. And kind and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special, is he'll never give up on you。

ever. He'll be there for you, no matter what. 安迪:从我记事时起,胡迪就是我的朋友了。他有一个牛仔应有的勇敢、善良与聪明。


6. 玩具总动员中三眼怪的台词

You have saved our lives.

We are eternally grateful.



01:13:54,638 --> 01:13:57,265

You have saved our lives.

We are eternally grateful.


01:13:57,350 --> 01:13:58,850

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.


01:14:07,276 --> 01:14:11,071

The white zone is

for immediate loading and unloading。


01:14:12,406 --> 01:14:14,032

No parking.


01:14:16,702 --> 01:14:19,120

Guys, we can't park here!

It's a white zone!


01:14:19,205 --> 01:14:22,624

You have saved our lives.

We are eternally grateful.


01:14:22,708 --> 01:14:24,167

-Final boarding call。

-There he is!


01:14:24,251 --> 01:14:26,628

for Far East Airlines

flight 451 to Tokyo.


01:14:26,712 --> 01:14:28,838

All confirmed passengers

with boarding passes


01:14:28,923 --> 01:14:30,965

must board at this time.


01:14:31,717 --> 01:14:36,012

Passenger Twitch, passenger

Leon Twitch, please pick up。


01:14:36,097 --> 01:14:38,765

You have saved our lives.

We are eternally grateful.

7. 玩具总动员 经典台词 最好是英文

I in no way deny that Pixar in computer technology have made tremendous achievements and remarkable contributions to make. "Finding Nemo" water quality and the different light through the surface in different regions, in the presence of impurities in the water to form a light beam CG technical performance has reached a peak level. It is no exaggeration to say that Pixar is the world's best animation companies! It will replace the Disney company became the world in the 21st century animation arts leaders.。



本文主要为您介绍玩具总动员3的优美句子,内容包括玩具总动员3的经典中英文句子,玩具总动员3的经典中英文句子,玩具总动员3的经典英文句子。Woody: [in Bonnies room] Look, I just need to get out of here Butter

2024-04-23 02:02


本文主要为您介绍和朋友在一起的优美句子,内容包括关于朋友友谊的优美的句子,关于友谊的句子,求关于友谊的唯美句子。1.不管未来有多遥远,成长的路上有你有我;إ不管相逢在什么时候,我们是永远的朋友。إإ 2.不管未来有多长久,请珍惜相聚的每一刻;إ不管

2024-04-23 02:02



2024-04-23 02:02


本文主要为您介绍关于帝王唯美的句子,内容包括求一些君王霸气的古风句子,古代唯美虐心句子帝王风,关于帝王的句子。用我三生烟火,换你一世迷离。 我自是年少,韶华倾负。 长街长,烟花繁,你挑灯回看,短亭短,红尘辗,我把萧再叹。终是谁使弦断,花落肩头,恍

2024-04-23 02:02


本文主要为您介绍关于描写留守儿童的优美的句子,内容包括描写留守儿童眼睛的句子,500字作文关于留守儿童事迹材料,关爱儿童成长的句子。1. 空洞中带着恳求,孤独中带着希望,无助中透出渴望。2. 小小的背影,承载了太多的孤独和冷漠,需要人世间的温暖,来给与孩子心灵的弥补!

2024-04-23 02:01


本文主要为您介绍qq唯美感情句子,内容包括唯美伤感的句子,唯美伤感句子、,关于爱情的唯美句子。不是每一次努力都会有收获,但是,每一次收获都必须努力,这是一个不公平的不可逆转的命题。 从蛹破茧而出的瞬间,是撕掉一层皮的痛苦 彻心彻肺

2024-04-23 02:01