
更新时间:2024-04-14 07:58:24作者:橙橘网


Different types of tea have different production methods.

For example:

- Green tea is not fermented and is made by steaming or pan-firing the leaves.

- Black tea is fully fermented and is made by withering, rolling, fermenting, and drying the leaves.

- Oolong tea is partially fermented and is made by withering, rolling, fermenting, and drying the leaves with a specific process that varies depending on the type of oolong.

- White tea is made by withering and drying tea buds or young leaves that have not fully opened.

These are just a few examples, as there are many different types of tea with unique production methods.

本文标签: 不同  制法  英语  品种  



Different types of tea have different production methods.For example:- Green tea is not fermented and is made

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2024-04-14 07:57


六堡茶主要有以下品种:1. 六堡红茶:产于广西六堡地区,茶汁呈红色,香气浓郁,味道醇厚。2. 六堡青茶:也称为“广西六堡青花茶”,外观呈现青葱色,香气清新,口感甘醇。3. 六堡白茶:产于广西全州县六堡顶,并选用特定的白茶

2024-04-14 07:57