茶包装设计参考文献 茶包装设计论文

更新时间:2023-09-11 08:03:50作者:橙橘网

茶包装设计参考文献 茶包装设计论文

1. "The Art of Tea Packaging" by Yu Zhigang. This book discusses the art and design of tea packaging, including materials, shapes, colors, and graphics.

2. "Package Design Workbook: The Art and Science of Successful Packaging" by Steven DuPuis and John Silva. This book covers all aspects of package design, including typography, imagery, color, and materials.

3. "Package Design in Japan" by Gingham. This book showcases examples of Japanese package design across a range of industries, including tea and other food products.

4. "Package Design Now!" edited by Julius Wiedemann. This book features a selection of contemporary package designs from around the world, including tea packaging.

5. "The Tea Book" by Linda Gaylard. This book explores the world of tea, including its history, production, and culture, and includes examples of tea packaging from around the world.

6. "Tea Art: A Modern Look at Vintage Tea Graphics" by Chronicle Books. This book features a collection of vintage tea advertisements and packaging, and explores the art and design of tea marketing throughout history.

7. "The Packaging Designer's Book of Patterns" by László Roth. This book provides designers with a range of pattern templates and design ideas to use in their packaging designs.

8. "Tea Culture: History, Traditions, Celebrations, Recipes & More" by Beverly Dubrin. This book provides an in-depth exploration of tea culture around the world, including examples of tea packaging and branding.

本文标签: 参考文献  包装设计  


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